We are the McCown family, missionaries to Japan. Less than half a percent of Japanese people claim to be evangelical Christians. Natural objects and phenomenon are worshiped throughout society. Materialism has gripped the younger generations. Mental illness, depression, and suicide are widespread. With an ultra-modern society comes ultra-modern challenges. We believe the Bible has the answers for the challenges that the Japanese people are facing today. It is our long-term mission to plant churches in Japan using methods that are biblical, that reflect the outreach strategy of our own local church, and that impact the eastern thinking of the Japanese people. Please pray for us as we endeavor to reach the Japanese people with the gospel.
Making Disciples
We are making passionate followers of Jesus Christ among the Japanese people for the eternal glory and worship of God. We do this by proclaiming the gospel, that there is salvation available through repentance and belief in the atoning death and life-giving resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that this salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, according to the scriptures alone, to the glory of God alone.
Teaching them obedience
We plan to teach the Japanese how to shape their thinking, behavior, and emotions through teaching and preaching the Bible. Some call this discipleship and others call it biblical counseling. We see it as one and the same thing. It is through loving God unto obeying the scriptures that the Japanese will be able to impact those within their social circles for the glory of God.
Church Planting
We desire to build communities of Japanese believers gathering together to worship and glorify God. We believe in organizing indigenous churches that are self-supporting, self-governing, and self-reproducing. We believe gospel preaching, Bible believing, Japanese speaking, independent Baptist churches can reach and teach the Japanese people the scriptures far better that we can, which is why planting churches is our long term goal.
Mobilizing Leaders
Through speaking engagements at churches across America we are able to share the immense need for people to sacrifice of themselves and become Pauline missionaries to spend their lives among the unreached peoples of the world. The unreached desperately need someone to preach to them the good news that there is salvation through Jesus Christ. We also mobilize churches to give sacrificially to support those that decide to go to foreign fields. While in Japan, we also mobilize indigenous leaders by keeping a passion for God to be glorified among the unreached peoples of the world in front of church plants.
Our Team
Timothy McCown
Tim’s passion is to preach the Bible and introduce the Japanese to Jesus. He wants to mobilize Japanese men to pastor indigenous churches. He wants to see Japanese churches started...
Jenelle McCown
Jenelle loves making friends with Japanese people. She is passionate about introducing Japanese women and children to Jesus. She loves offering biblical counsel from God’s word so that Japanese women...